Category Archives: literature

123 twice and five.

This meme has been all over the place, and I’ve only been tagged in passive-aggressive ways, but I like it and will therefore join in.

Rules: Find the book nearest to you with 123 pages or more. Turn to page 123 and find the fifth sentence on the page. Provide the title and author, and then type in that sentence.

It was a tie between two books for me:

  • The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan: “What thing so deserving, as to turn us out of the Way?”
  • German Stories and Tales by Robert Pick: “These peaks are difficult to ascend, moated as they are by snow, now wide, now narrow, and the Bergschrund or rim must be compassed by a leap.”

So no great words of wisdom for you today, dear readers.

I’m tagging Jenn, Saartje, Mimsie, She’s in Fashion (I don’t know her real-world name …), and Tonya.


Filed under literature, Meme


1. word1_final03_o, 2. Praying Mantis, 3. aran hat, 4. “brights 2”, 5. that which we call a rose, on a vintage button might look as sweet, 6. another green hen, 7. TIF May, 8. e sem o laço……, 9. Jeans recycled., 10. White Garden, 11. tree sweater, 12. Earthly Fae Hood in Wheat, 13. 5 of 12 2008, 14. tropique, 15. Knitted Felt Bracelet, 16. Mellow Yellow, 17. Green and Brown Clutch!, 18. crochet-covered suitcase

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Filed under Arbitrary tidbits, Fashion, literature


I have a problem with Cars. The movie.

Okay, so everything in the movie is metal and glass and rubber, right? No people, no animals, just machines with personalities. But, if everything on a car can be replaced, how do they maintain the same personality?

I think that a person’s character is stored in the brain – because I think it’s mostly environmental, and not genetic. And brain cannot be replaced. So, even if we change our hair color and wear colored contacts and get a tummy-tuck and a nice tan and a new liver, we’re still the same people. Because the core of us is stored in a place that cannot be exchanged.

So where are the cars’ personalities stored? As far as I know, there isn’t a part of the car that is so integral that it cannot be replaced. Engines, electrical systems, body – it’s driving me crazy!

I just can’t watch cartoons anymore. They mess with my head.

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Filed under Arbitrary tidbits, literature

A nice little meme.

From around n round she goes.

1. Whatcha reading?
A: The Headless Hawk by Truman Capote.
B: Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury.
C: The Devil Finds Work by James Baldwin.
2. How much of it have you read so far?
A: 29%. I’m anal about knowing exactly how far along I am in a book.
B: I just started. But I read the introduction twice because it is so fantastic.
C: 45%.
3. What’s it about?
A: So far, it’s about a man who works at an art gallery who is followed by a girl with short hair and green eyes. Then, she tries to sell him some of her art, and disappears before he can pay her. Then, he thinks that he sees her all over the place, but he doesn’t. It’s just because she’s on his mind.
B: A summer in Illinois from the point of view of a twelve-year old boy. It’s semi-autobiographical.
C: It’s about American films and race (of course) and how the former distorts Americans’ views of the latter.
4. What does the title refer to?
A: I haven’t the slightest.
B: In the introduction, the author talks about his writing process. He said that in the morning he would just start with a word and then laboriously write until he finished on the path that that word lead him to. He liked the sound of the two words together. He liked the way that the two words made him feel. But I don’t really get it yet.
C: It’s in reference to film.
5. Would you recommend it?
A: I wouldn’t jump right into it. Read some of Capote’s more understandable work first. An essay here, a novel there. This is pretty complicated.
B: Totally. But I hold a special place in my heart for novels about young boys’ summers. If you read this, you should also read Cold Sassy Tree.
C: People who are totally obsessed with Bradbury don’t usually like this one. But, it’s my first experience with the author, and I rather like it. I like it when a writer can publish something that’s unorganized and bitter and scathing just because he wants to. And he deserves it.

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Filed under literature


Thirty viewers yesterday!


Well, that’s about it. Today, I got three wonderful books from my Christmas list; A Lifetime of Secrets, Super Stitches Knitting, and Favorite Socks. Lovely.

And I’ve decided that “Super Stitches” is just alliteration, not a pun. Well, maybe not a purposeful pun. Dast, I can’t get away from the alliteration.

I think I’ll try to link as many words in this post as possible.

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Filed under Arbitrary tidbits, Holidays, literature


I’ve noticed something lately. For months, I haven’t written anything unless it is going to be published. This just isn’t healthy! It isn’t me! My journal has been almost completely abandoned, and (I’m sure you’ve noticed) my blog doesn’t really contain much actual writing.

First thing to do when you have a problem? Blame other people.

First off, I blame English 1010. Now, when I write, I have to go through the WHOLE rhetoric process, because it has been put in my head, and I can’t get it out. My old writing used to be fluid, quick, organic, without drafts, and mindless. Mindless in a good way, that is. It just came from my gut. But now, as I type, I’m actively considering my audience, purpose, and genre. I’m searching for an equal representation of pathos and logos (I’ve totally given up on ethos until I’m a grown-up).

Second, I blame my knitting. Because I can just as easily record my thoughts in stitches, instead of on paper. The problem is, when people look at my lovely socks they think, Oh what even stitches, and not Oh what interesting ideas. I want to get to know this person.

Third, I blame my room. Because I have no place to put things. My room’s a great scapegoat.

Oh well, I’ve made some progress already. Here are a few paragraphs of actual writing. I hope you enjoyed them.

And here’s a kitty picture.

Winston: 1. Daisy: 0.

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Filed under Arbitrary tidbits, literature, Winston

Too busy reading to write.

I have a fantastic Bloglines account. I just became aware of this today. But I really have collected a wonderful menagerie of blogs, and I thought it is only right to share some of my favorites. If you are anxious and want to see the entire collection, my account name there is valleyadvice, as far as I can tell. It is kind of confusing. Anyway …

1. ah-yi

Just a wonderful, simple, beautiful blog. My favorite thing is that though the author is originally from Taipei, the blog is in English. The bad grammar (and I say that in the most complimentary way) is charming and matches the pictures well.

2. Anna Maria Horner

There are no words for how much I love this blog. Obviously, the pictures are wonderful. It’s a new American aesthetic, and … I just love it!

3. Brooklyn Tweed

For the true yarn addict. Everything here is so absolutely pretty. It’s hand spun paradise.

4. Bits and Bobbins

I’m having some problems putting photos on. Which is a shame, because this is a fantastic blog. The author is the founder of wardrobe_remix, which is one of the most inspirational things for a lazy morning.

5. Cute Overload

I know, I know, everybody and their (incredibly cute) dogs know about this website. But just in case one of my three readers is still ignorant of the cuteness, I had to slip this one in. If anybody would like to come to my house and convince me to submit a picture of Winston, you are welcome. He would just be so sad if they didn’t accept his picture.

6. Black Cigarette

Oh, how I loved LiveJournal. But then I found Bloglines, which made me feel much more grown up (and didn’t display comments). But, I have held on to a few of my old LJ addictions. Black cigarette is wonderful, because it is a large group of people, all of whom comment on fashion, art, travel, style, etc. There isn’t a specific topic or specific limitations. And in general, the posts are magnificent.

7. The Daily Purl

Simple and lovely. There is plenty of knitting, but I love this blog because of the hand weaving. This is something that I want desperately to do, but haven’t a clue where to start. Or where to find the patience for it.

8. Go Fug Yourself

Some people say this site is rude and cruel and the worst thing to ever happen to style, but I just love it. The redemption is in the fug: because ugly is something that’s not your fault, but fugly is something that you can change. Alicia keys wasn’t forced to wear the hideous bodysuit. Gemma Ward wasn’t tricked into putting on that terrible dress and those shoes that ruin even HER legs. I’m sure Nicole Kidman wasn’t coerced at gunpoint to age herself twenty years with that suit. Plus, the prose is witty and surprising.

9. Inside a Black Apple

I can’t read this blog without listening to the Decemberists. It just doesn’t happen. I don’t know why, but the two always go hand in hand in my mind. But look how adorable everything is!

10. Hoping for Happy Accidents

I admire this blog for its devotion to a specific style. All of the posts feature pictures of modern, contemporary, simple homes or tidbits with clean lines and an almost stark mood. I can’t seem to decide on a style for more than two days.

11. Kris’ Color Stripes

This site is absolutely brilliant. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

12. Ramblings of a Knitting Obsessive

It is hard to come by a good knitting blog penned by someone (around) my age. But this one is absolutely fantastic. The author just blows me away sometimes.

13. Ruby Crowned Kinglette

This blog makes me want to marry rich, never get a job, and stay at home all day sewing and cooking for the rest of my life. Look at how pretty everything is! I’m especially fond of the embroidery in the picture on the right.

14. The Sartorialist

I don’t know all of the details. But the author travels (and travels and travels) and takes pictures of well-dressed people on the street. And there is generally a nice caption, or description of why the picture was chosen.

15. Sew, Mama, Sew!

The tutorials on this blog (especially from November 2007) are spectacular. There are just so many!

16. Sfgirlbybay

I’m completely enamored with San Francisco, and so many of her posts are about the city. The pictures are fantastic and the content is entertaining. This is how I want to live someday, with a lot more knitting.

17. The Innerworkings of a Redhead’s Mind

This is my dear friend Janeal (yes, that is me impersonating Christian Bale on the far left – you’re such a good guesser!). She has a very witty new blog, and you should visit it. Go to!

18. Life as a Me

And this is the blog of my sister Jenn. She is very very silly, and her pictures are always fantastic. Because look at those nephews! They’re adorable!

I suppose that is enough for now. Enjoy!

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Filed under literature

I yearn for yarn.


Dear Santa,

I thought I would make your Christmas shopping a bit easier. Here is an extensive, specific Christmas list. It is in no way all-inclusive (or vice-versa, for that matter), but I thought it would, if anything, get you started on the right track. I’ve been working on it for months.

Oh, and I’ve been very good all year, bla, bla, bla.

1. A Citizen folding bike in yellow. If only I had this bike, I could stop spending thirty-freaking-dollars a week on gas. And it could fit in my trunk, so when I move, I wouldn’t have to install a bike rack to bring it with me. And yeah, it is kind of ugly, but the rest of the folding bikes are ridiculously expensive. I’m thinking of you here.

1 1/2. My So Called Life (the complete series) on DVD. This is probably one of the best television shows in the history of mankind.

1 3/4. A Sephora Blockbuster Pallet. It’s AMAZING. And only $48.

2. Here is the entire (well, almost) list of yarn I would need to complete my ravelry queue, including prices.

Wow, that took forever. I hope you appreciate the hours I put into that.

3. Books! After some consideration, I decided to organize these by genre.

  1. Fiction

2. Non-fiction; miscellaneous

3. Non-fiction; craft

That’s it for now, Santa. I’ll send you an updated list soon.




Filed under Holidays, Knitting, literature, Money, Music

November’s a mad, mad, month.

So, NaBloPoMo is the Kablam! to NaNoWriMo‘s All That. And in this analogy, NaKniSweMo is Action League Now!

None of those exclamation points were consensual on my part, I’ll have you know. And just for those who weren’t raised on the Disney channel, let me rephrase:

NaNoWriMo: All in the Family.

NaBloPoMo: Maude.

NaKniSweMo: Either Good Times or All in the Family, it depends on you look at it.

This deserves a list of terms: NaNoWriMo is internet-speak for National Novel Writing Month. NaBloPoMo is the same for National Blog Posting Month. And NaKniSweMo is what we crafties have created in turn, meaning National Knit a Sweater Month. They all take place in November, and require 50,000 words (or stitches), and for the participants to work on their novel/blog/sweater every day.

I’m SO not writing a novel.

But, I can do the blogging and the knitting. I started my Mrs. Darcy sweater a few days ago, but we’re just going to pretend that that was done yesterday. And I did a TON of work (seriously, about two hours) on a very detailed draft of my Christmas list, soon to be posted, yesterday, so even though nothing was posted, we’ll be okay.

Ready, set, GO!

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Filed under Arbitrary tidbits, Knitting, literature

A disturbing trend: Students stick to their literary comfort zone

Mel Sundquist

Issue date: 10/29/07 Section:Life

Lately, there has been a noticeable inclination in the minds of fresh young college students when concerning literature: they are sticking to what’s familiar.

It seems that most students can fit into one of three categories: there are those who read only religious compositions, those who read so-called “intellectual” or classical literature, and those who stick to Sweet Valley High romance novels or sci-fi.

On one hand, it is great that millennials are reading; developing a mind for literature in any form is very important. However, adding some variety, the personal library can make for a more cultured and universal thought process in everyday decisions.

True, reading Poe isn’t going to help twenty-somethings deal with their “maybe, someday I’ll have a girlfriend” problem. It won’t help them get through a salacious romantic scandal (although flipping through a couple of Gossip Girl books, by Cecily Von Ziegesar, may give you a few ideas).

On the other hand, spending a couple afternoons with Whitman may actually help students to walk down a path that holds the answers to life, the universe and maybe even love.

If “variety is the very spice of life,” as the author of some first-rate poetry William Cowper said, adding some of that variety into an average student’s lettered life can improve not only their repertoire of books but other aspects of their existence as well.

So, Keats enthusiasts are double-dog dared to head to the library and check out a couple books with bright pink covers and titles incorporating the words shop, love, gossip and/or boy-trouble. The same goes for those who read bodice-ripping chapters-check out some Yunque or Dickinson, and be ready for a pleasant surprise.

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Filed under College Times articles, literature